Is This The Most Mysterious Creature The World Has Ever Known?

Certain representatives of the animal kingdom give us an undisputable proof that mother-nature possesses no limits in creativity and imagination. Some creatures look really scary and don’t seem to really exist. The shapes, colors and features they take are insanely odd and one might think that these abnormal creatures decided to abandon all the due evolution stages and achieved the top in their bizarreness. The freaky pictures of them that we can find in the world net prove us that they are not a product of somebody’s ill imagination, but real inhabitants of this world that live next to us.

A piglet with a monkey face

One of these “monsters”, a piglet with a face of monkey, is amazingly weird and really ugly. This strange piglet was born in China. The nature gifted the animal with a bulged forehead, simian jaw and small eyes that seem almost attached together giving the whole picture a freaky look.
A monster from Montauk
Eagle dog
A monster from Montauk (or an “eagle-dog”) is a freaky looking weird creature that was washed ashore in the New-York area, USA. The animal possessing a dinosaur beak made a real fuss in the media provoking people to guess if it was a nature-made beast or a refugee product of the government sponsored animal tasting facility located not far away from the Long Island.
It is strange but noone attempted to examine the corpse of an animal. Only one paleozoologist tried to find out any information studying the only avaialble photo of the freakish creature. Actually he came into one conclusion based on the shape of the teeth and the front paws. He claims that it was a racoon and his strange look can be explained by the body dissolving and damage caused by water.
No matter what is the origin of the freaky beast, it really makes us shiver with disgust while looking at the photo.

Cyclops shark

A Cyclops shark was not actually a living creature but just an embryo found by hunters in its mother’s body. The mommy-shark was caught in the Gulf of California and turned to have an interesting and weird surprise inside. Unfortunately it had possibly not a single chance to live after the birth; nevertheless the fact doesn’t make this ugly looking sea creature less curious for us and science.

Camel Spider

Camel spider – with this extremely scary looking representative of fauna mother-nature seems to have decided to put all the arachnophobia nightmares in one creature. It’s a really horror-looking masterpiece that nobody would dream of finding under his blanket. It’s also known by the name of a Wind Scorpion or a Sun Spider.

Red-lipped Batfish

red lipped batfish
This is really weird fish. Besides that it has red lipstick on its lips it also walks but not swims! A characteristic feature of the fish is bright red lips. Red-lipped Batfish is not good at swimming so it uses its pectoral fins for walking on the ocean floor. When the fish reach sexual maturity, it becomes a single dorsal fin.
Red-lipped batfish lives off the coast of the Galapagos Islands at a depth of 30 meters or more. So it will be quite difficult to catch to your aquarium. Anyway it is a predator so it won’t likely to eat regular fishfood. This species eats small fish, crustaceans like shrimps and crabs and molluscs.

Atretochana eiselti

penis snake
Weird.. huh? It’s not what you are thinking about, it’s a frog!!. This eyeless snake looking frog was found in one of the Brazil regions in Amazon. Scientists suppose that it breathes through the pores in the skin. This really surprising but it is a hunter (even with no eyes!!) and it eats small fish and river warms.