This Terrifying Photo of Great White Isn't What It Seems to be

A terrifying photo of a great white shark, mouth open and just inches from a photographer's hands, isn't what it seems to be.
Filmmaker Dave Riggs and Photographer Luke Thom just captured an amazing photograph of a great white shark and people are already obsessing over it.
They shooting for Discovery Channel's Shark Week 2015 off the coast of South Australia when the incredible pic was snapped.
Riggs posted the photo on Facebook and captioned the photo.
Watch the video clip below of Riggs discussing this creature in further detail.
"I just felt obliged to post it I guess, because it's real," Riggs told ABC about posting the image to Facebook.
"It's not being aggressive, it was not attempting to kill anyone, it was just very curious."
"Great whites don't have hands, so she was researching the area in the only way she knows how -– and that's with her mouth," he said.
But what a terrifying mouth it is.